The Liberal Catholic Church exists inside the wider Catholic tradition of sacraments and ceremony while encouraging complete freedom in the interpretation, understanding and inner truth of the Gospel writings and liturgical wording.
The Liberal Catholic Church supports all spiritual pilgrims who seek the truth, the inner knowing, the gnosis of a universal awareness of human interconnectedness.
The Liberal Catholic Church in Australia
The Liberal Catholic Church in Australia has parish churches in Canberra, Sydney, Brisbane, Southport (QLD), Melbourne, Adelaide and Perth. Meetings are held in homes in Toowoomba and Townsville in Queensland.
The Clergy
The Clergy of the Liberal Catholic Church make no claim to spiritual or temporal domination over those who adhere to its rite. In common with the priesthood of other Churches, they hold Christ’s commission to teach, but claim no authority over the individual conscience, stress being laid rather upon their function as ministers of the divine sacraments – stewards of the mysteries of God. They are ready in all reasonable ways to help those who ask or need such help.
The clergy of the Liberal Catholic Church are unpaid, and may not ask a fee for any of their work in connection with the Church. They therefore normally retain secular occupations, whilst carefully excluding those forms of employment which involve cruelty or exploitation. (From the Statement of Principles of The Liberal Catholic Church)
The Bishops

The Rt Rev. Richard Taylor The Rt Rev. Graham Preston
Archbishop Bishop